1. Read this document and familiarize yourself with the basics. DYOR.
  2. Follow a few newsletters, podcasts etc. listed in the Resource section to keep up with the information speed 🔥
  3. Start with the first crypto investments by opening an account on Kraken, Coinbase, Binance, Gemini, BlockFi,... (detailed description on how to invest here)
  4. Get your first Ethereum wallet on Metamask, Rainbow, Coinbase Wallet
  5. Purchase your first NFT on OpenSea, Foundation, Rarible (detailed description on NFT minting above) - a magical moment, you won’t forget your first NFT 🙌
  6. Create your own ENS domain - it’s basically your Web3 Username
  7. Get into a DAO that is aligned with your interests, values,... to just try it out!
  8. Have fun & learn - it’s a new space, you just started…
  9. …Enjoy the ride 🎢

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